Project Title:
Revealing Unseen Data: A 2020 U.S. Election Visualisation
Project Description: This project focused on visualising the 2020 U.S. presidential election results with a special emphasis on accessibility for colour vision-impaired individuals. The goal was to create clear and accessible visualisations that effectively communicate the election dynamics across different states.
Key Responsibilities:
Data Collection and Preparation:
Utilised election data from the 2020 U.S. presidential election, including state-wise vote counts and party distributions.
Cleaned and prepared the data using R to ensure accuracy and usability in visualisation tools.
Coding and Visualisation:
R Programming:
Used R for data preparation and employed the 'colorblind' package to create a colour-blind-friendly electoral map.
Developed a custom palette with red, blue, and gold to represent Republican, Democrat, and Swing States, respectively.
Created visual representations, including bar charts and bubble maps, to display the total number of votes and party shares across states.
Example code snippet for creating a colour-blind-friendly map:
usdata <- read.csv("POTUS_votes_2020.csv")
us_states <- st_read("States_shapefile.shp") joined_data <- left_join(usdata, us_states, by = c("state_po" = "State_Code"))
joined_data <- joined_data %>% mutate(vote_gap = abs(DEM_votes - REP_votes) / totalvotes, swing_state = vote_gap <= 0.05,
party_color = case_when( swing_state ~ "#FFFFBF", DEM_votes > REP_votes & DEM_votes > OTH_votes ~ "#290AD8", REP_votes > DEM_votes & REP_votes > OTH_votes ~ "#A50021", TRUE ~ NA_character_ ))
joined_data_sf <- st_as_sf(joined_data, sf_column_name = "geometry")
ggplot(data = joined_data_sf) + geom_sf(aes(fill = party_color)) + scale_fill_identity() + theme_minimal() + labs(title = "Clear Vision for All: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Map by State", subtitle = "Redesigned for Colorblind Accessibility")
Utilised Tableau to create additional visualisations such as bar charts and bubble charts to supplement the electoral map.
Ensured that all visual elements adhered to accessibility standards for colour vision deficiencies.
Validation and Testing:
Tested visualisations using Color Oracle to simulate different types of colour vision deficiencies (deuteranopia, protanopia, tritanopia, and grayscale).
Ensured that all visualisations were clear and informative regardless of the viewer's colour vision capabilities .
Project Outcomes:
Produced a set of accessible visualisations that clearly conveyed the 2020 U.S. election results, making them usable for individuals with colour vision impairments.
Demonstrated the effectiveness of using tailored colour palettes and alternative visual variables to enhance data accessibility.
Contributed to the broader field of accessible data visualisation, providing insights for future projects aimed at inclusivity.
Skills and Tools:
Data Collection and Analysis: R, Tableau
Data Visualisation: ggplot2, ColorBlindness package in R
Accessibility Testing: Color Oracle